Iranian Journal of Seed Science and Technology reviews to publish articles prepared in the field of seed science and technology, including physiology, ecology, technology, biochemistry, biotechnology, plant seed health and fields related to these sciences. These articles should be written in Persian language and has not been sent for publication and has not been published in any journal before. The authors should regard the following points when preparing the article to submit:

  • Article processing charges:

    Based on the approval of the journal's editorial board and the approval of the Seed Science Society of Iran (the licensee of the journal) in July 2021, the Iranian Journal of Seed Science and Technology does not receive any fees from the author(s) for the submission and initial review of the articles. However the author(s) of the articles that are accepted after going through the peer review process must pay the amount of 2,500,000 IRR as the charges for processing.

  • Please send your manuscript through
  • The corresponding author has been responsible for submitting manuscript, and all authors are aware of final text of manuscript submitted to the journal.

Authors should aware of the following details in order faster reviewing and publication process:

  • Manuscripts submitted should not have previously or simultaneously been submitted for reviewing in other journals.
  • A person should be selected as the responsible author who can respond to emails sent from the journal's office. Article submission is only possible through the journal's website, and the publication does not accept manuscripts submitted manually or via e-mail.
  • The corresponding author should confirm the agreement and knowledge of other co-authors to submit the article through the authors' commitment form (forms).
  • All authors whose names are mentioned in the article and in the commitment, form must participate in writing and editing the article.
  • Acknowledgments and organizational affiliation of the authors should be mentioned in the manuscript and any conflict of interest between the authors or organizations should be stated in the Conflict-of-interest form (Forms).
  • The main file and the information file of the authors should not be deleted in any way.
  • This license requires that reusers give credit to the creator. It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes.
  • All articles in this journal are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0), which allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, even for commercial purposes.
  • Authors should refer to the all the sources that they have used directly or indirectly in a correct and appropriate format.
  • All authors should know that the manuscripts are checked by similarity software.
  • Articles sent by graduate students and faculty members of universities and research institutions should preferably be sent to their organizational or academic email.
  • It is necessary for the authors to mention the sponsor of the research (if there is).
  • Manuscripts should be created in accordance with the article writing guidance or they will be returned to the author and not considered in the review process.
  • The order of the authors' names is determined by the order in which the author's information has been entered on site during submission. The corresponding author must correctly and completely input the names of all contributors on site.
  • The publication is free to reject, accept and edit the article.
  • It is required to complete and submit the commitment form, conflict of interest form, and Cover Letter (see Journal Forms).