Document Type : Original Article


In order to study on effect of irrigation intervals and parent plant nutrition by various nitrogen levels on seed and seedling vigor and some related characteristics of hybrid maize single cross 704 (B73× MO17)a research conducted at Kermanshah province research station field of Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Centre and seed quality analysis laboratory of Seed and Plant Certification and Registration Institute (SPCRI) at Karaj.Field experiment based on complete randomized clocks design and as split plot by three replications conducted. Studied treatments levels arranged as7, 9, 11 and 13 day irrigation intervals as main plots and nitrogen rates 200, 300, 400 and 500 kg per hectare as sub plots. One thousand seed weight was determined and seed and seedling vigour tests including seedling growth analysis, radical emergence rate and electrocunductivity conducted based on complete randomized blocks design by four replications and final germination, normal and abnormal seedlings percent, mean germination time, seedling and primary root length, seedling and primary root fresh weigh, seedling and primary root and shoot dry weigh, seedling length and weight vigour index and electrical conductivity were measured. Results revealed produced seeds in 7 and 9 day irrigation intervals and 400 kg per hectare nitrogen from seed and seedling vigour and some related characters point of view had most optimum situation. Thereafter, based on this research results and for the reason of water resources for irrigation limitation, 9 day irrigation interval and 400 kg per hectare condition recommended forhybrid maize single cross 704 seed production in Kermanshah conditions.


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