Document Type : Original Article


1 Yasouj university

2 M.Sc. Student of Seed Science and Technology, Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Yasouj University.

3 Agronomy and Plant Breeding Department, Yasouj University

4 Department of Agronomy, Tarbiat Modares University


Saffron is propagated exclusively by corm because of sterility. Therefore, choosing the suitable corm for cultivation is one of the important factors in saffron production and the final yield depends on the size of the corm. The research was conducted to investigate the effects of benzyl aminopurine hormone priming, application of bio-fertilizers and maternal corm weight on the germination indices of saffron cormlets. Experimental treatments consisted of large (7.1-10 g) and small (4-7 g) corms, priming with benzyl aminopurine at concentrations of 0, 250, and 500 mg/l and biofertilizer levels (no fertilizer, Mycorrhiza (Funneliformis mossea) and fertilizer, Phosphate Barvar2). The results showed that maternal corms with 7.1 to 10 g compared to 4 to 7 g increased seedling emergence rate by 14% and the seedling vigor length index by 6.3%. Hormonal priming of maternal corms with a concentration of 500 mg/l increased dry weight leaf of main and lateral shoots (34%), dry weight of the main and total shoots (37% ), and also improved emergence rate (56%) and the number of the contractile root of cormlet (77%) with biofertilizer application. The interaction of hormonal priming (250 mg/l) and the use of maternal corms with 7.1 to 10 g increased the weight index of seedling vigor by 72%. Biofertilizer treatment increased 25% of the total dry weight of the shoots. In general, the application of larger corms and the application of biofertilizer and hormonal priming improved cormlet and saffron seedling vigor.


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