Document Type : Original Article


1 The faculty of plant breeding department of sugar beet seed institute,Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Karaj, Iran

2 The faculty of sugar beet technology department of sugar beet seed institute,Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO) Karaj, Iran


In this experiment, physical and chemical characteristics of sugar beet seed and its relationship with germination traits was studied. This traits were evaluated on 10 sugar beet singles crosses that obtained from three locations including Ardabil, Firuzkuh, and Karaj. Results showed that bulk density, true density and electrical conductivity are influenced by environment and genotype. Percentage of solids soluble in sugar beet pericarp (germination inhibitors) it was only affected by the seed production environment. Both genetics and environmental conditions on the maternal plant during seed development and maturing were effective on germination percentage, germination velocity and mean germination time. But the germination uniformity of sugar beet seeds was only affected by genotype. On the other, the correlation between bulk density, true density, electrical conductivity, porosity and percentage of solids in pericarp solution of sugar beet seeds with some germination traits was significant. But, the germination uniformity had no correlation with the physical and chemical properties of seed. Increased density of the seed pericarp caused decrease of seed quality factors including electrical conductivity and percentage of solids solution on pericarp. Therefore, germination uniformity, which is less affected by the environment, can be used in breeding programs as indicator of seed quality selection. Physical and chemical traits that was a significant correlation with germination traits, in the management of sugar beet seed production with the aim of increasing the extraction coefficient and quality of sugar beet seeds are recommended.


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