Study distinctness and Uniformity of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. (varieties under greenhouse conditions using morphological characteristics

Document Type : Original Article


Seed and Plant Certification and Registration Research Institute (SPCRI),


Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most important and popular fruit vegetables, to enter a new variety of tomato in the national list of plant varieties of Iran or to obtain the right of a breeder, it is a legal requirement to perform a Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability examination. In order to provide morphological description­ and evaluation of Distinctness and Uniformity19 tomato varieties (15newvarieties and 4check varieties) were examined under greenhouse conditions in 2021and 2022.The­ experiment was carried out using a completely randomized design with two replications. Varieties were distinguished based on qualitative, pseudo qualitative and quantitative traits such as green shoulder in fruit, fruit shape in longitudinal section, fruit firmness ,Inflorescence type, ribbing at peduncle end in fruit, blistering of leaf, size of blossom scar, size of peduncle scar, depression at peduncle end in fruit, anthocyanin coloration in the upper part of the stem, leaf attitude, intensity of green color in leaf, intensity of green color excluding shoulder (before maturity)in fruit and number of locules in fruit, But Sumurai variety was not distinguished based on qualitative, pseudo qualitative and quantitative traits with compared of Lisa (check) variety. Analysis of variance quantitative traits indicated that evaluated traits such as fruit length and diameter, length to diameter of fruit, pericarp thickness, total diameter of fruit, diameter of core and fruit weight were significantly different at the α=1 % probability level. Also length of leaflets, width of leaflets, width of leaf, diameter of core in cross section in relation to total diameter and peduncle length were significantly different at the α=5 % probability level. These results showed that new varieties had essential uniformity according to standard  of International Union for the Protection Of new Varieties of plants.


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