Document Type : Original Article


In order to study the yield and size distribution of potato seed tubers under different methods of phosphorus (P) nutrition, a factorial experiment based on RCBD (Randomized Complete Block Design) with four replications was conducted in the spring 1391. Treatments included the amount of P fertilizer, source of P fertilizer and time of P application. Variables such as yield and its components, phonological, morphological and physiological traits were evaluated in potato plants. Results showed that strip application of P at planting stage caused an increase in Leaf Area Index (LAI). Petiole P concentration in potato plants was affected significantly by the interaction of source×amount×application time. The highest level of leaf nitrogen was shown in planting time use of en masse DAP. The minimum level of P fertilizer (37 kg/h net P) caused tuber number to significantly increase from 64.25 to 92.29. Seed tuber number (28-65) and seed tuber size in DAP treatment were significantly higher than two other fertilizer treatments. No-application (Control) treatment resulted in the lowest seed tuber in size and number.


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